Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sam Prindle vs. Sam Prindle

     One of my favorite sayings has always been, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise."  That Ben Franklin really had it goin' on!  I love this even though I violate it often, hence this blog's title.  Sometimes, without even trying, WE are our biggest obstacle in realizing our goals.

     I wanted to pass along three tips that may help in the healthy, wealthy, and wise departments:

     1)  Healthy - Are you?  If so, fantastic!  If not, why?  Evaluate your eating and exercise habits and begin your new life today!  (I truly realize that this is much easier written in a blog than done.  Drop me a line and I can give you some great tips tailored to your situation.)

     2)  Got Wealth? - I'm a big believer in self sufficiency.  Eventually, I want to create every dollar of my income and not depend on a salary or hourly wage from a traditional employer.  Where am I going with this?  Figure out your passion...i.e.  what makes you happy.  Most likely there is a way to make money with something you absolute love.  (Again, drop me a line if you need a boost.  I love brainstorming!)

     3)  Wise - As I'm writing this, I recall a joke among middle-schoolers decades ago:  You know there's a beer that'll make ya smart?   It made Bud wiser!  (Ba da bing!  Thank you!  Thank you!  I'll be here all week!)
     There was a time when I despised reading.  I hated it so much, you couldn't get me to read the back of a cereal box!  Oddly enough, now, I love it!  Reading is a big component of the "wise" part.  Here's a challenge:  Try reading a book a month.  Also, if you commute, you can gain a lot of knowledge with books on cd.  You'll be amazed!  It's a win-win!  Good for you, good for the noggin.

     I always enjoying hearing from you.  I would also be honored if you would like to "follow" or "subscribe" to this blog.  Have a fantastic day and we'll talk soon.  I'm off to win the war against Sam Prindle!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam!

    I'm very impressed. This blog is very positive and encouraging. I want to know if you're recommending the Wayne Greene silver colloid solution. I'm still interested in that. Great blog. Good advice. Keep 'em coming.

    Tom F.
